Dorris / August 16, 2024

Redefine Your Beauty Standards!

Let’s be honest – !

We don’t got TIME for business to be a struggle, how would we fit in lunch and mani / pedi or hair or lashes or massage or play or chill and all of that?

It’s simply not an option!

But there is a really gorgeous truth… (This truth will bring more freedom in your life than you could imagine. It has shifted the way I look at my place in the world.)

I’ve also been hearing women talk about how they are “too busy” to take care of themselves and get that far overdue manicure/pedicure.

This reminded me that I also deserve, we all deserve that same divine care and attention for ourselves! I recognized early this year that I was personally getting a bit relaxed with my own self-care routines, and a woman cannot truly access her Queenhood without her self-care rituals in place. I decided it was time to really start recommitting to regimes that would deeply inspire and nourish me as a Queen and give myself permission for pleasure.

  • What can you do today to instantly create more beauty, care and pleasure in your life?
  • The notion of self-care is often misconstrued as a frivolous indulgence reserved for those with ample free time. However, the reality is quite the opposite. Engaging in activities that nurture our well-being and enhance our sense of self can actually boost our productivity and efficiency in the long run. When we prioritize self-care, we are not only investing in our physical and mental health but also in our overall success and fulfillment.
  • It’s essential to understand that self-care is not a selfish act but a necessary component of a balanced and fulfilling life. Neglecting our own needs in the pursuit of professional success can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and diminished well-being. By taking the time to care for ourselves, we are better equipped to handle the challenges that come our way and to navigate the complexities of our daily lives with grace and resilience.
  • For many women, societal norms have steered us towards valuing masculine traits like overworking and achievement while neglecting the importance of self-care, pleasure, and play. The result? Exhaustion, stress, and a lack of fulfillment in our daily lives. We’ve been conditioned to believe that beauty is synonymous with a flawless exterior, but in reality, it’s the light that shines from within that truly illuminates our essence.
  • Embracing our femininity, allowing ourselves moments of joy and self-indulgence, and prioritizing our well-being are the cornerstones of true beauty. It’s about finding balance, listening to our bodies, and honoring our authentic selves. When we let go of society’s narrow definition of beauty and embrace our uniqueness, we step into our power and exude a radiant glow that no makeup can replicate.
  • These are all perfect ways we can live our lives by design and prepare to step into our next level of fabulous.
  • So, the next time you find yourself caught up in the whirlwind of busyness and stress, remember that taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a vital investment in your overall well-being and success. Whether it’s a manicure/pedicure, lashes, a leisurely lunch, or a rejuvenating massage, carve out time in your schedule to indulge in activities that make you feel alive and rejuvenated.
  • Embracing self-care as a non-negotiable aspect of your routine will not only enhance your quality of life but also empower you to show up as your best self in every aspect of your life. Let go of the notion that self-care is a luxury you can’t afford and instead embrace it as a fundamental necessity for thriving in both your personal and professional endeavors. Remember, you deserve to feel alive, awake, and fully engaged in every moment – make self-care a priority, and watch how it transforms your life for the better!


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About The Fabulous Dorris Burch

Welcome to my Find Your Fab Factor Blog, this is a place to tap into being unapologetic about your personal style. I believe that what you wear affects the way… Read More



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