About The Fabulous Dorris Burch
Welcome to my Find Your Fab Factor Blog, this is a place to tap into being unapologetic about your personal style. I believe that what you wear affects the way you show up for your life. See choosing what to wear shapes your day – and, I also feel you cannot be truly stylish if you lack self-confidence.
There is a psychology to clothing which gives you strength, but ultimately your clothes speak volumes about who you are – or who you think you should be. But are they telling the right story? Do they reflect your true essence?
Also, it’s time to rip up the rulebook for women 50 and over because style has no age limits!
Hi, I am The FABULOUS Dorris Burch®. I’m a Midwest girl at heart and have loved fashion for as long as I can remember. I always say that I came out the womb loving fashion and got it honest from my mom. It is in my DNA, as a young girl I would collect fashion magazines turn page by page to keep up with the latest fashion and learn about different designers. Learning from my mom I began to construct garments and developed a love for fabrics as a seamstress creating ensembles on the go.
As the years passed, I started modeling and dressing up learning the power of clothing. Fashion is my love and so of course I studied and majored in Fashion Merchandising, and I worked in the fashion industry for many years after graduating. Today, my personal style embodies a bold powerful stylish fearlessness. I love to mix classic and trendy pieces, mixed with trendy statement accessories to create a sophisticated elegance.
My passion lies in being a voice for women my age to be seen and heard, and I hope to use this platform to inspire stylish and accessible fabulous living every day.
My ultimate desire is to help women to feel confident in knowing how to be stylish at any age and at all price points and to be confident in themselves because what you wear affects the way you show up in your life.
My mantra and message is for women to: “Don’t Be Invisible. Be Fabulous!” Coco Chanel once said: “Never forget that there is a woman inside the clothes”.
Thanks so much for stopping by and don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions, comments, or a simple hello!
Remember –
Don’t Be Invisible. Be Fabulous! The Fabulous Dorris Burch®
The 411
All posts on Find Your Fab Factor Blog and my social networks are my creative property. Please credit The Fabulous Dorris Burch® and Find Your Fab Factor Blog as the source when sharing and link back to the original post.